Author Archives: Lee Ellzey

About Lee Ellzey

Christ Follower, Husband, Father. Like to read. Like to help others. Learning to love life more than ever!

October Happenings

I enjoy the fall views along the Gulf Coast so much more than any other.  The colors just seem more varied and personal!

Her’s a photo from last week:


And fall has brought All Tide Up some new koozies and stickers!





Go check out that website for a few sunset photos that are among our favorites!

Different View on Saturday

Some friends invited us to kayak with them on Saturday so we spent the day on St. Joe Bay.  Great day exploring around Black’s Island and an even better sunset! Scallops, crabs, conchs and lots of interesting starfish!







We are blessed!


End of Summer



We live in a condo in a small beach town.  As much as I appreciate the summer visitors and their contribution to our local economy, I really like our beaches after Labor Day!  You can tell summer is over by the lack of boats in our parking lot!



And returning to local restaurants is much easier now!  So we’ll have the beaches to ourselves and in just a few short months, the cycle begins again!  In the meantime, we’ll enjoy the beaches, the locals, the sunsets – and concentrate on expanding our All Tide Up brand and products!





Would have been a great morning to have the kayaks out.

Typical Evening







Just a few views of what our evenings continue to be like! We live in paradise!

Mid Week Rant About Health Care

I know life is not fair.  I know that all of us are not entitled to the same things in life.

But when I think of those things, I tend to think in terms of material things – houses, vacation homes, cars, recreational opportunities, etc.

Access to affordable health care should not be one of those things people are excluded from.  Affordable health care should not be relegated to those whose employers pay substantially more for health care for their employees.  Heck, affordable health care should be just that – affordable – regardless of your health insurance status.

Our health care system is broken.  And it seems the people who don’t understand this are those that currently have health insurance that makes their health care affordable to them.

Try being the person who spends a week’s paycheck on one doctor visit – plus another week’s paycheck on any tests, blood work, biopsies, etc. that may be needed.

Try being the person who forgoes preventive or well care visits because those costs may be the difference in what foods are purchased that week.

And any of us can be in these situations.  In 2010, even when employed but with no health insurance, I avoided going to get checked out because of my fear of the costs associated with it.  Because I knew paying my mortgage and having a home was necessary also.

Those are not the types of choices we should be forced to make.

Our health care system is broken. And it seems more are interested in keeping it that way than are interested in acknowledging that and finding a solution to fix it.

Another Day

Here are a few photographs my wife took on one of our evening walks.  Just another beautiful day in paradise! Mexico Beach is very good for our souls!







Sometimes I think my life is a dream….

Random Views



Just the view behind us while walking along Mexico Beach.



One of the larger pieces of coral we’ve seen while walking along the beach.



A sand crab who decided to watch us along the way.

Mid Week Thoughts




Some random mid week thoughts – and a photo!




This is a normal view we have almost every day.  Sometimes it’s earlier in the day.  Sometimes it’s closer to sunset.  But the cool thing is, we get this view almost every day!  Our lives are blessed.  We take long walks along these shores multiple days a week. Sometimes we pick up sea shells. Sometimes we just walk. Last week we came upon two sea turtles – one dead and one alive. You never know what the gulf will give us!

We’ve spent a number of hours lately promoting a venture – All Tide Up.  If you have a second, check out our web site.  If you see something you like – go ahead and order it!  We’ll get it to you as quick as we can.

I become more convinced each week that nothing in life is a coincidence.  There are divine opportunities all around us if we will only be willing to look!  I’m pretty excited that God has provided some unique paths that have crossed and what potential there will be there.  Reminded that it’s not about me – it really is about others!

My friend Alex Rocha is raising funds to purchase a permanent location for his youth work in Cartagena, Colombia.  I’ll share more about that in a post to come – might be a divine opportunity for someone other than just me!



Beach Therapy

A little beach therapy!



Not every day is like this but there are a few!



Even if the picture isn’t perfect you get the idea!  Our life is blessed.